Friday, February 11, 2011

Nerf Nite Finder EX 3 Review

The Nite Finder is an interesting gun. It's good for it's purpose: a last resort pistol that you use when there's no other option. Another good thing about this gun is the built-in light. Sadly you can't alternate between red dot mode and tactical light mode like the Recon's light. Another setback is that the Nite Finder only has one bullet chamber. So after every shot you have to stick another bullet inside. However the Nite Finder is really cheap It's only about $9 which is about $2 cheaper than a Secret Strike. Overall this is a good gun for a last resort. I recommend keeping this gun on a belt or maybe on a Bandoiler if you modify the gun a bit. You can get this gun almost all toy stores for about $10. If I were you I would get one.

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